Friday, August 24, 2018

Not Quitting My Day Job!

I have done a handful of sewing projects in my life. Some curtains and a couple Halloween costumes are probably the most difficult things I have attempted. I had this idea to make a new binder tote for my coupons, so I dug through my scrap material yesterday and got to work.

I made one several years ago, for a much bigger binder. I decided to just "wing it" and not look for a pattern, but just use the old one as a guide. I am just using it to store coupons, and blank envelopes that I save from junk mail to write my grocery lists on. I use envelopes so I can tuck the coupons  inside until I check out at the store.

I just laid the binder on the material, cut it a bit larger than the actual size to allow for hems, and started sewing. Turns out that besides being unable to sew a straight line, I also misjudged the amount needed for hems. It almost didn't fit! It is super tight, and it won't win any awards, but it is done and functional for what I needed. :)

I don't really have a day job, but sewing is certainly NOT in my future career options! What are you working on this rainy morning?

Until Next Time~

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