Friday, August 24, 2018

What The Junk?

We first heard the expression "What the junk?" from a good friend of ours. She used the term meaning "what the heck?" and it stuck. So, my hubby and I say "What the junk?" all the time now haha

Today, I spent a couple hours trying to keep my mind off my pain, as it was a particularly rough day! G45 is doing a #G45JunkJournal challenge, so I thought I would play along! Sadly, I haven't been able to add many supplies lately with all the accessibility building going on in my home, so my only G45 brand papers are from several years ago.

A Junk Journal is a journal made out of scraps, bits, found and recycled items, and used for journaling, or scrapbooking. I started with what little G45 paper I had, added some other paper scraps, a cheerios and tissue box, a couple envelopes and a brown paper bag. I cut up some cardboard, used some fabric scraps (from my project yesterday), buttons, ribbon, and more!

The journal pages are made with my CitraSolv art pages made long ago from an old National Geographic magazine. If you want to learn more about making CitraSolv art, click here. It is a bit smelly (although non-toxic and just citrus odors) it is best done outside until dry!

I also used some tea and coffee soaked cardstock, from a trial I did a few months back to age paper. It worked ok, but really wrinkled the paper, which isn't the best for making cards. Washi, greeting card, and paint chips round out my list (I am sure I am missing something!)

Here is a look at the start of my project:
CitraSolv Pages.

Cheerios box for a cover, stitched together.

G45 papers added and some raffia tied around the journal.

The finished front cover.

Some other G45 paper pages.

The back cover is from my mosaic company catalog.

Here is a look at some other pages in the journal:

Not sure what I am going to use this for, but maybe I will come up with a plan and share it here later. If not, I can always give it away and let someone else figure out what to do with it! Hahaha

What are you making? Have you every tried making a junk journal?

Until Next Time~

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