Friday, March 8, 2019

Birthday Card Challenge

You may have heard that it is National Craft Month! Hero Arts is hosting weekly challenges to celebrate! This week's prompt is Birthday Cards, and I needed to stock up, so I made a few today!

I hoard all my scraps, and then sometimes dump them all out and make a pile of cards to try and use them up. I try to throw out the remaining scraps, but do frequently keep anything larger then a 2" x 2" square haha I just can't waste it!!

So here are a few, easy, scrap-using cards!

Tried to make an assortment for male, female and children, so I would have a few birthday cards ready when needed! What are you making this week?

Until Next Time~

1 comment:

  1. WOW, lots of birthday cards on hand. I do love the Seize the cupcake message. I saw this on the Hero Arts challenge. Fantastic cards.
