Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Window Panes

Any of you who have been on Pinterest know how quickly your boards, full of creative ideas, can get out of hand! I had a board with lots of ideas for using an old window. The only problem with actually utilizing any of them was the fact that old windows are so "in style" they have become expensive to buy at an antique shop or flea market, so I just kept pinning projects for "some day" when I have a window.

A couple weeks ago, a family that my daughter knows asks if she wanted any old farm windows. She said yes, and brought two of them home for me. FREE!! *happy dance* Now I had to actually wade through my long list of possibilities and choose one. This is the final project I am making for our living room walls, and thankful it is done and ready to be hung up!

Starting with a sketch for an idea of what to do placed under the window, I began to glue the pieces of the tree to the window panes.

I then filled in the sun the sky and added some ground and a river. I am sure that is all very obvious just by looking. haha

Once it was all glued down, and dry (48 hours), I started grouting. Left side is done, right side is not yet grouted in the photo above. Also, man, grouting is messy! 
*Note to self- do this outside next time like the website told me to do.

Here it is completely finished and photographed with the sun lighting from behind it. Hopefully it looks like an abstract landscape, because that is what it is supposed to be!

I still have the other window, which I plan to use to make another (different) mosaic piece. Look for the second one on the blog in the next week or so, as it will be available for someone wanting one (details will be given in that post).

Thanks for stopping by!
Until Next Time-

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